Graffiti Removal Melbourne and Paint peeling and removal services Melbourne
Awash High-pressure cleaning has become synonymous to high quality, cost effective Paint and Graffiti removal Melbourne.
Safeguarding and conserving the surfaces is our top priority in the Graffiti removal Melbourne. Our expert services not only clean the surface of graffiti, but also reduce the chances of getting the graffiti attacks repeated. Our innovative machinery and hi-tech systemsare built to generate hot water with high pressure so that the cleaning is done efficiently with minimal use of chemicals. This helps to maintain the appearance of the surface. Awash pressure cleaning team is well equipped with the techniques and system specially designed for graffiti removal. Also, our special graffiti protection specialist has gained invaluable knowledge through research and experience have developed special protective coating which removes the need for specialist cleaners if attacked by graffiti vandals in future.
Hence, make your surrounding clean and appealing by getting rid of nasty and unpleasant graffiti by hiring our professional cleaning services. We preserve the surfaces along with reducing the chances of further attacks with our innovative coating.
Our graffiti protection specialist is well trained to clean graffiti/ paint all kinds of surfaces including:
- Alloys
- Brick
- Concrete
- Metal
- Natural Stones
- Painted and Unpainted Walls
- Wood

With us stop worrying about the surface protection. Our exceptional approach and rich know-how are through years of experience and research. Our machinery and devices are technically superior using the benefit of force of high-pressure hot water requires.
Our modern high-pressure cleaning machines generate boiling hot water to obtain better results leading to minimal use of chemicals.
Awash uses specially designed approach for removing graffiti. Our approach of cleaning starts with analysis of the surface along with the other surrounding factors which may be affected with the chemical graffiti removal. Such is our systematic approach that it completely removes the stains without any residue.
Prevention is the best solution
Any type of cleaning leads to considerable damage to the surface. With awash high pressure cleaning and graffiti removal specialist you can forget all the worries about the appearance of the surface. Our newly developed coating not only make the surface immune to further attacks but also gives shine for more years to come.
Graffiti cleaning in Melbourne
When you think of cleaning, think of Awash high-pressure water cleaning. If you wish to do it yourself or plan to hire specialist, we at Awash are always there to assist you in all types washing, cleaning and removal of stains. We provide:
- We use environmentally safe products and provide experts for cleaning services.
- We also offer graffiti removal kits with eco-friendly, bio-degradable and non-hazardouschemicals.
- Specially developed anti-graffiti coating to prevent graffiti nuisance in future.
Awash high-pressure cleaning service is available around Melbourne giving you best quality cleaning and washing service. Very cost effective, a perfect value for money helping you to maintain your buildings and their ambiance.
Call 0421-349-924 for getting our quality service of paint stripping and paint removal along with graffiti cleaning and protective coating.